Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid Commercial Scores (Ft. Dante’s Inferno & Flying Pigs)

Whimsy seems to be the watchword for commercials advertising hybrid and plug-in hybrid vehicles right now. A few days ago, Hyundai started airing a pair of delightfully amusing ads featuring ordinary citizens singing a song that begins, “I’d like to buy a hybrid car but I’m not sure it’s for me.” It then shows a series of folks like construction workers, court reporters, dog groomers, and karate instructors. In 60 seconds, the ads destroy all the common misconceptions about hybrid cars

Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid Commercial Scores (Ft. Dante’s Inferno & Flying Pigs) was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid Commercial Scores (Ft. Dante’s Inferno & Flying Pigs) syndicated from Clean Technica

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